How the World Began Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

How the World Began Book

"The question of where we come from and where we are going is one of the elementary challenges of life. Perhaps it is THE question of life. Only when we get an answer to it do we learn who we are." With these striking words, Prof Helmut Thielicke begins this book about the most fundamental of all questions; the question of who we are, whence we came, and what God intended when he gave us life. Despite - perhaps even because of - the immense technological advances of our time, and the frightful consequences for the human race of the misuse of that power, man is brought face to face again with that basic problem which has haunted him since the beginning of time, the mystery of good and evil. Weaving these themes of origin and purpose, good and evil together, these are sermons for our times - highly intelligent, widely ranging, fascinating, and of quite exceptional power. There is nothing sloppy or sentimental in this book. These chapters are the creation of a 20th century man with a particularly penetrating mind.Read More

from£24.97 | RRP: £17.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £87.63
  • 0227674847
  • 9780227674840
  • Helmut Thielicke
  • 1 December 1964
  • James Clarke & Co Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 308
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