How to Do Things With Rules: A Primer of Interpretation (Law in Context) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

How to Do Things With Rules: A Primer of Interpretation (Law in Context) Book

This text looks at the basic intellectual skills that law students need, in particular those concerning the handling of rules. This updated edition provides information on changes in the law, and involves more emphasis on the EU and legislation, with new examples and exercises.Read More

from£29.68 | RRP: £21.99
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  • Product Description

    Twining and Miers examines the basic intellectual skills law students need, in particular those concerning the handling of rules. Designed to cater for the needs of a variety of groups, including 'pre-law', first year LLB students reading courses in legal method, and those studying jurisprudence options with an interpretation/legal reasoning basis, it has wide appeal and provides a general overview of the subject. The new edition brings the reader up to date with changes in the law and involves more emphasis on the EU and legislation, with new examples and exercises.

  • 0406904081
  • 9780406904089
  • William Twining, David Miers
  • 1 May 1999
  • Butterworths
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 488
  • 4
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