How to Manage Managers: A Workbook for Middle Managers Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

How to Manage Managers: A Workbook for Middle Managers Book

Being a middle manager is a unique job, but too often the assumption is made that if you are a first-line manager and are promoted you just carry on managing in the same way. Being a manager of managers requires new skills, yet there is little practical guidance available to middle managers to help them adapt and grow with this ever-changing and demanding role. This text concentrates on these essential and specific skills in a direct, practical and accessible way. It contains exercises and checklists which makes it easy to reference and adapt to the individual reader's requirements.Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £18.99
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  • 0077079442
  • 9780077079444
  • Harje Franzen, Maurice Hardaker
  • 1 August 1994
  • McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 198
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