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How to Play Guitar: Everything You Need to Know to Play the Guitar Book
In How to Play Guitar guitar players of all levels will find a wealth of instruction and inspiration. Whether you want to play pop, folk, country, rock, blues, jazz, classical, or any other style of music, you will pick up the basic techniques without tedious drills and exercises. Using real music and a step-by-step approach, How to Play Guitar will teach you about:· Choosing and buying a guitar· Tuning your instrument correctly· Reading sheet music, guitar music, and tablature· Playing melodies with chords· Fingerpicking· Mastering left-hand techniques, including sliding and bending notes· Transposing melodies from one key to another and much more.Read More
from£12.85 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.41
- 0312287062
- 9780312287061
- Roger Evans
- 1 December 2001
- St. Martin's Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 128
- Revised
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