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How to Play Keyboards Book
How to Play Keyboards offers an exciting new way to learn to play.Its easy-to-follow instructions and systematic approach enable you to start playing popular tunes on your keyboard within minutes-even if you've never played a musical instrument before. You'll learn keyboard basics like: --fingering --chords --special effects --playing by ear --how to read sheet music --playing with drum backingand much more.Filled with a wealth of instruction and inspiration, How to Play Keyboards is like having your own personal tutor.AUTHORBIO: Roger Evans has helped nearly half a million readers learn to play an instrument on their own.His other books include How to Play Guitar and How to Play Piano.Read More
from£8.73 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £8.56
- 0312287070
- 9780312287078
- Roger Evans
- 1 December 2001
- St. Martin's Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 104
- Revised
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