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How to Win the World Cup Book
It is biggest sporting event in the world watched by billions in a game played on every scrap of land on the planet. It is every boy's dream to win it. Yet just seven countries from only two continents ever have. Why? And most importantly how? How to Win the World Cup takes apart all the previous 18 editions of football's pre-eminent competition to look at the sporting DNA as well as the vital statistics of winning teams. It debunks myths and turns accepted truths on their heads in search of the essence of victory. Home advantage helps surely? Only once in the past three decades.Read More
from£12.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.50
Takes apart all the previous 18 editions of football's pre-eminent competition, World Cup, to look at the sporting DNA as well as the statistics of winning teams. This title debunks myths and turns accepted truths on their heads in search of the...
- 0593066227
- 9780593066225
- Graham McColl
- 29 April 2010
- Bantam Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 320
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