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How to be Like Women of Power: Courage and Advice to Create Your Own Destiny (How to Be Like) Book
Behind Every Great Woman . . . Is Usually Another Great Woman Whether you are just starting a new career and wondering how to navigate your way through the office politics, or you're facing a milestone birthday and looking to bring more meaning to your life, you will glean useful wisdom, advice, and inspiration from the amazing woman revealed in this book. These women catapulted themselves to the top of their professions against incredible odds: some were homeless, some were poor, and some were outcasts. Yet regardless of their place in life, they remained passionate about their purpose, they embraced their dreams, and dared to use their unique gifts to their fullest. In a time when most women could benefit from some strong female support and camaraderie, let these women challenge you and encourage you to leave your own mark on the world.Read More
from£14.83 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.76
- 0757306500
- 9780757306501
- Pat Williams, Ruth Williams
- 1 January 2009
- Health Communications
- Paperback (Book)
- 288
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