Human Nutrition with CD-ROM Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Human Nutrition with CD-ROM Book

This is the 11th Edition of the classic text Human Nutrition and Dietetics previously edited by Garrow, James and Ralph. It is an authoritative, comprehensive textbook on nutrition for all those working in the field of nutrition and other health sciences, including undergraduate and postgraduate students. Human nutrition has been written and edited by a renowned team of international experts to ensure authoritative coverage and a global perspective.This new edition has been completely revised to provide a concise, up to date, textbook that covers all aspects of nutrition from food supply and food choice through nutrient metabolism including genetics aspects, to requirements for special groups, nutrition related diseases, assessment of nutritional status in individuals and populations, and food and nutrition policies. It also addresses recent developments in the field of human nutrition, notably gene-nutrient interactionsa concise, up to date, text book that covers all aspects of nutritionWritten and edited by an International team of expertslearning objectivessummaries of key pointstext boxes an accessible two-colour designadditional material, references and illustrations are included on a CDROM Hot links to websites allow even greater exploitation of the material.Read More

from£62.08 | RRP: £45.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.84
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