The fifth edition of "Human Resource Management" has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect current issues and practice in HRM. A continuing emphasis is placed on HRM practice in the Asia-Pacific Rim as is the importance of strategy and managing diversity in human resource management. This new edition has expanded its practical, real world approach with the inclusion of Practitioner Speaks boxes, ethical sidebars and a new integrative case running through each chapter. The end of part and chapter case studies, ethical dilemmas, soapboxes, review questions, and practical exercises have been updated and expanded where necessary.The Diagnostic Model has been replaced with the Environmental Influences Model. This new model is provided in chapter 1 and is used as the basis for end-of-
… read more...chapter questions throughout the book. Practitioner Speaks boxes are found in each chapter. They include a photo of a particular HR practitioner in the Asia-Pacific region, and outline his/her views on the theory in the chapter. Practitioner Speaks Exercises at the end of each chapter relate back to the Practitioner Speaks feature. Ethical dilemmas in the chapter margins are side notes on a relevant ethical issue in the chapter. A running case has been added new for this edition. Class debate activities have been included at the end of the chapter.Read More read less...