Humphrey's Great-Great-Great Book of Stories Kindle Download + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Humphrey's Great-Great-Great Book of Stories Kindle Download

The perfect gift, this new edition of Betty G. Birney's bestselling series brings together three more stories about Humphrey the classroom hamster. Discover the wisdom, wit and brilliance of the nation's best-loved furry friend as he tells you everything about Surprises, Adventure and Holidays, all according to his Humphreyness!Read More

from£8.99 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.22
  • TheBookPeople

    The perfect gift, this new edition in Betty G. Birney's bestselling series brings together three more stories about Humphrey the classroom hamster. Discover the wisdom, wit and brilliance of the nation's best-loved furry friend as he tells you everything about the Surprises, Adventure and Holidays, all according to his Humphreyness! Dear Friends, I may be a small classroom hamster, but even I'm amazed at how many unsqueakably exciting adventures I've had. I've come nose-to-nose with a very unfriendly cat, taken an unplanned boat trip across Potter's Pond and even met a snake at Camp Happy Hollow. And I've had plenty to worry about: aliens in spaceships, pirates and something scary called the Howler! I've had so many adventures I've put some more of them into this great-great-great big book to share with you! Your friend, Humphrey.

  • Blackwell

    Includes three stories about Humphrey the classroom hamster. The perfect gift, this new edition in Betty G. Birney's bestselling series brings together three more stories about Humphrey the classroom hamster. Discover the wisdom, wit and...

  • 0571255949
  • 9780571255948
  • Betty G. Birney
  • 2 September 2010
  • Faber & Faber Children's Books
  • Kindle Edition (Kindle Download)
  • 516
  • Kindle eBook
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