I Hate Everyone...Starting With Me Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

I Hate Everyone...Starting With Me Book

Joan Rivers the groundbreaking award-winning internationally renowned entertainment goddess is opinionated especially when it comes to things she hates. With her vast experiences it makes sense that she has come across a lot of people places and things she can't stand. Fortunately she took notes and is now ready to share them. Here she really lays into ugly children dating rituals funerals bad food First Ladies hypocrites Hollywood overrated historical figures and much more. Joan lets everyone including herself have it in this honest and hilarious rant.Read More

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  • BookDepository

    I Hate Everyone...starting With Me : Hardback : Penguin Putnam Inc : 9780425248300 : 0425248305 : 05 Jul 2012 : With her experiences, it makes sense that Rivers has come across a lot of people, places, and things she can't stand. Here she really takes it to ugly children, dating rituals, funerals, lousy restaurants, First Ladies, closet cases, hypocrites, Hollywood, and more.

  • 0425248305
  • 9780425248300
  • Joan Rivers
  • 5 July 2012
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 320
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