Impact English - Year 7 Student Book 1: Student Book No. 1 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Impact English - Year 7 Student Book 1: Student Book No. 1 Book

With three clear levels of differentiation, customisable teaching support and practical ICT solutions, Impact English offers a complete course for KS3 English. Through its range of engaging extracts Impact English: / enables you to teach all abilities in every class using three levels of differentiation per year / integrates the study of grammar and language skills in a way that makes it relevant to the subject as a whole / shows pupils the features and conventions of all the National Curriculum and Framework text types using strong model texts / develops the key skills in English through lots of individual and group activities / saves you time by giving you the opportunity to use the same texts across all ability levelsRead More

from£20.85 | RRP: £14.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.91
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