Innocent Graves: An Inspector Banks Mystery Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Innocent Graves: An Inspector Banks Mystery Book

The more Chief Inspector Alan Banks investigates the murder of a schoolgirl in a church graveyard the less he likes the whole sordid affair. The vicar at St. Mary's has been allegedly seeking sex from his sexton; the vicar's wife has been seeking solace in a bottle and the arms of a schoolteacher; and those in and around the church aren't keen on anybody who doesn't view matters as they do. And there happens to be a few suspects who meet that description. Banks investigates a murder and finds religious and societal affairs stickier than those in the normal mystery.Read More

from£6.87 | RRP: £3.98
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  • Product Description

    When a teenage girl is found murdered in the peaceful village of Eastvale, Inspector Banks and his colleague Susan Gay are forced to dig beneath the surface of a grave but have their doubts about the suspect they subsequently arrest. Reprint. K. PW.

  • 0425157792
  • 9780425157794
  • Peter Robinson
  • 1 May 1997
  • Berkley Pub Group (Mm)
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
  • Reprint
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