Insatiable: A Young Mother's Struggle with Anorexia Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Insatiable: A Young Mother's Struggle with Anorexia Book

A provocative and engrossing memoir of a young mother's spiral into eating disorders and exercise addiction, and her subsequent struggle to reclaim control of her life. At twenty-four, Erica Rivera appeared to have it all: a B.A., two daughters, a successful husband, a house in the suburbs-and a great body. But under the surface, Erica was struggling with an addiction. She developed a self- destructive obsession with dieting, bingeing, purging, exercising, and, ultimately, anorexia. It wasn't until her very young daughters began to imitate her actions that she decided to get help-and to trace her disordered eating and body-image patterns across three generations of women in her family. Insatiable is the raw, candid, and ultimately uplifting story of one woman's plunge into the depths of addiction and her fragile fight to climb back out. Getting to the root of her own problems helped her show her own daughters where happiness truly lies: in loving oneself. Though her road to recovery has not been easy, Erica Rivera is reassuring in her honesty-and inspirational in her triumph. Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £17.60
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 0425229874
  • 9780425229873
  • Erica Rivera
  • 6 October 2009
  • Berkley Publishing Group
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 368
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