Instant Recall French Vocabulary: Learn and Remember French Faster than You Ever Imagined Possible! CD + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Instant Recall French Vocabulary: Learn and Remember French Faster than You Ever Imagined Possible! CD

Think of an image in your mind's eye for about ten seconds. The French for fish is poisson. Imagine that you poison your pet fish. The French for bread is pan. Imagine putting loaves of bread in a pan. The French for milk is lait. Imagine a hen that lays a bottle of milk. Thsi work provides word pictures to help you recall words in French.Read More

from£11.32 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.26
  • Play

    Learn and Remember French Faster Than You Ever Imagined Possible! ; The Instant Recall series presents a technique for learning vocabulary that has been scientifically proven up to three times more effective than conventional methods. Ideal for travelers or students as young as 10 these programs will teach 200 key words as well as a method that can be adapted for learning many more. Remembering vocabulary the building block of communication can be one of the hardest tasks for many learners. This audio program on two 75-minute CDs teaches over 200 key words by encouraging you to imagine verbal images that connect the sound of the French word with the English meaning. The vivid often bizarre nature of the verbal image combined with regular testing is critical in enabling memorization and effective recall as academic studies on this method have proven.

  • Blackwell

    Teaches 200 key words in a matter of hours!When learning French, one of the hardest tasks you face is remembering new words. Instant Recall French Vocabulary presents on two CDs a technique for learning and recalling vocabulary that has been...

  • 065801126X
  • 9780658011269
  • Michael Gruneberg
  • 1 November 2001
  • McGraw-Hill Contemporary
  • Audio CD (CD)
  • Abridged
  • Abridged, Audiobook
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