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International Marketing (Dryden Press Series in Marketing) Book
The second best selling text which is well known for its extremely current coverage, unique chapter coverage, and prestigious author team who have consulted or taught all over the world. Features: * Prestigious author team on the cutting edge of international business and marketing through involvement with frequent consulting engagements and projects with the U.S. Department of State and organizations all over the world. * The text reflects both the theory and application of international marketing by offering research insights from around the globe and showing how corporate practices are adjusting to the marketplace realities of today. * Marketing is examined from a truly global perspective rather than just from the U.S. point of view. By addressing, confronting, and analyzing the existence of different environments, the need for awareness, sensitivity, and adaptation is highlighted. * Students receive a full-colour world map free inside each copy of the text. New to this edition: * The fifth edition is now divided into four parts instead of three, with the separation of marketing in transition. This is designed to pay appropriate attention to emerging markets, changing marketing practices, and to cast a predictive look to future developments and their possible impact. * A new Chapter 14, "Marketing Research and Strategic Planning", is dedicated to the discussion of the global strategic planning framework, which addresses market choice, competitive strategy, and international market segmentation. * Chapter 16, "Product and Brand Management", contains a new section dealing with brand management and how marketers can build global, national, and local brands. * To more fully integrate the technology and information revolution, many boxed items and in-text vignettes feature the web site addresses of the companies discussed. * A new appendix addresses directly the relationship between geography and international marketing. * Text features the addition of several "International Marketplace" boxes and case studies which focus on the long-neglected continent of Africa.Read More
from£55.08 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.51
- 0030244013
- 9780030244018
- Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
- 25 July 1997
- Thomson Learning
- Hardcover (Book)
- 912
- 5th Revised edition
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