Introduction to Audiology Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Introduction to Audiology Book

Introduction to Audiology, Eleventh Edition, provides in-depth coverage of the physics of sound; the anatomy of the auditory system; the causes and treatment of hearing and balance disorders; and the relevant diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for these disorders. Now including a new chapter on clinical masking as well as new internet resources, this leading text continues to emphasize the proper evaluation of hearing disorders and the treatment avenues available for these disorders. The accompanying Interactive Companion Website features a variety of videos depicting clinical topics, a series of clinical case studies, multiple-choice questions with immediate feedback, interactive exercises for students to evaluate their comprehension of information, printable clinical forms, and much more. The new edition of this textbook also includes expanded sections on the management of auditory processing disorders, the role of the audiologist in vestibular management, and the role of the audiologist in the counseling process.Read More

from£36.38 | RRP: £26.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.28
  • 0205195709
  • 9780205195701
  • Martin
  • 23 September 1997
  • Allyn & Bacon
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 498
  • 6
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