It's All in How You Tell it: Preaching First-person Expository Messages Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

It's All in How You Tell it: Preaching First-person Expository Messages Book

Pastors are continually looking for resources to make their preaching more powerful and culturally relevant. Old-school models based on three-point outlines do not resonate with today's churchgoers, who are accustomed to media-driven modes of expression. It's All in How You Tell It provides the tools and insights necessary to help both veteran and novice preachers move from ineffective habits into adrenaline-pumping, dramatic sermon delivery. They will learn to preach by retelling a scriptural account from the vantage point of a biblical character-combining the power of drama with God's Word. Nationally known preaching expert Haddon W. Robinson and his son, Torrey, examine issues such as exegeting a text for a first-person approach, structuring a narrative sermon, determining how to read more...
from£10.99 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.63
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