Jane's - Aircraft Recognition Guide (Jane's Recognition Guide) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Jane's - Aircraft Recognition Guide (Jane's Recognition Guide) Book

Jane's international best-selling guide to the aircraft of the world. Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide is the only guide that allows the general public access to information from the world-famous Jane's All the World's Aircraft (first published in 1909), used by international aviation and military organisations and professionals. Jammed packed with up-to-the minute colour photographs and technical data to reflect developments in the aviation industry. This edition now also includes a complete list of national registration numbers and a diagram to help you find your way around any aircraft. Integral to each entry is a confusion feature to help you distinguish between similar types of aircraft making this the most comprehensive guide for any aviation fan. Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide is an invaluable piece of kit and in this popular portrait format any enthusiast should own it as standard issue. Contents Civil Jet Airliners Civil prop Airliners Business Jets and Turboprops Private Light Aircraft Civil Helicopters Combat Aircraft Military HelicoptersRead More

from£27.00 | RRP: £20.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.71
  • 0007183321
  • 9780007183326
  • Michael Gething, Gunter Endres
  • 3 May 2005
  • Collins-Janes
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 528
  • Fourth edition
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