Joyful Reading: Differentiation and Enrichment for Successful Literacy Learning, Grades K-8 (Jossey-Bass Teacher) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Joyful Reading: Differentiation and Enrichment for Successful Literacy Learning, Grades K-8 (Jossey-Bass Teacher) Book

A reading program that allows kids to progress at their own pace Joyful Reading introduces the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Reading (SEM-R)--an approach that has proven effective in both poor urban schools as well as in affluent suburban schools.Read More

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  • Product Description

    Joyful Reading offers teachers a differentiated instructional approach for motivating students at varied levels to discover the rewards and delights of reading appropriately challenging books. Authored by Sally M. Reis, an acclaimed scholar of gifted and talented education, the book describes the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Reading (SEM-R), an easy-to-implement program that encourages students to read independently for a period of time during the school day on books of their own choice while supporting them in learning comprehension strategies. The program includes three phases:

    • a Book Hook component in which the teacher reads aloud from a high-interest book while engaging the class in critical thinking responses
    • a Supported Independent Reading component in which students are encouraged to select and read progressively challenging books while the teacher offers instruction through individualized confer-ences
    • a Special Interest component in which students engage in reading-enrichment activities
    The SEM-R program has been shown by research to improve students' fluency and comprehension as well as their attitudes toward reading and is praised by teachers for getting students excited about books. The book includes a DVD showing teachers using the program. A companion book, The Joyful Reading Resource Kit, is also available.

  • 0470228814
  • 9780470228814
  • Sally M. Reis
  • 6 May 2009
  • Jossey Bass
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 272
  • Pap/Dvdr
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