Judging War Criminals: The Politics of International Justice Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Judging War Criminals: The Politics of International Justice Book

In June 1998 diplomats from all countries belonging to the United Nations met in Rome to draft the statute of a permanent International Criminal Court - a daring innovation. The future Court will judge individuals, not states, for grave violations of international humanitarian law. Genocides and mass slaughters have occurred in many other countries and have remained unpunished. National courts are notoriously weak in sanctioning their own nationals. Truth and reconciliation commissions complement but do not replace justice. Hence, this book argues, the need for a permanent, international criminal court, with the hope that its creation may combat impunity and deter more crimes.Read More

from£88.21 | RRP: £84.77
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £18.52
  • 0312216491
  • 9780312216498
  • Yves Beigbeder, Beigbeder
  • 15 February 1999
  • Palgrave MacMillan
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 250
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