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Jumped, Fell, or Pushed?: How Forensics Solved 50 "Perfect" Murders Book
It takes more than a knife, a pair of gloves, and a fabricated motive to get away with murder today; and more than a pot of ink and a steady hand to forge a document. Thanks to advances in the science of forensics, many of the world's most dangerous, psychotic, violent, and cunning criminals can now be brought to justice. This case-packed book shows you how each unit of forensic science specialists works by highlighting 50 carefully selected crimes around the world and describing how scientific methods have been used to solve them. Included are sections such as: *Trace Elements: examining elements such as hairs, fibers, and paint traces *DNA Analysis: investigating the importance and mechanics of DNA inspection *Serology: examining blood and bodily fluids for clues *Toxicology and Drugs: identifying poisons and drugs to snare the non- confrontational killer *Criminal Markers: finding the suspect through marks at the scene *Document Identification: analyzing documents in fraud investigation *Electronic Forensics: investigating technological snaring methods REVIEWRead More
from£29.28 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.82
- 1606520377
- 9781606520376
- Stephen A. Koehler, Pete Moore, David Owen
- 15 October 2009
- Reader's Digest Association
- Hardcover (Book)
- 176
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