Kimchi: A Korean Health Food Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Kimchi: A Korean Health Food Book

In this book, the history and traditions of kimchi are examined prior to its evolution into Korea s contemporary mealtime staple. With recipes and pictures for 48...Read More

from£16.18 | RRP: £16.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.24
  • Product Description

    Won't you have a taste of Kimchi that major daily newspapers in the U.S. hailed as "one of the most natural and mineral-rich diet dishes"?
    Kimchi, the very special vegetable delicacy loved by all Koreans, is a dish of subtle variations. For the first time, readers of English can learn how to prepare a large variety of kimchi rich blends of vegetables, seafood, and such spices as red peppers, garlic, and ginger. Each variation offers a unique treat to the Western palate.

    This book presents recipes for forty-eight different varieties of kimchi and twelve combination dishes containing kimchi. The book also offers detailed information about kimchi ingredients and a brief historical account of the kimchi tradition.

  • 0930878590
  • 9780930878597
  • Florence C. Lee, Helen C. Lee
  • 31 December 1995
  • Hollym International Corp.,U.S.
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 64
  • New edition
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