Mounting evidence has shown that heat destroys many of the nutrients found in raw, living food, rendering it harder to digest and nutritionally diminished. Raw food is catching on! From Hollywood stars with personal chefs, to a host of chic new Manhattan restaurants, the Raw Food movement is sweeping the country as people learn about the dramatic health benefits derived by eating a vegan diet in which food is never heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Eating the world's healthiest food and enjoying lavishly indulgent and decadent food are not mutually exclusive! Why not? Because RAW CHOCOLATE is one of nature's most amazing superfoods! This book is the ultimate introduction to chocolate in its most pure, natural form. Using raw, dark chocolate (also called "raw cacao nibs"), raw
… read more...chocolate powder, raw cacao butter, and raw cacao liquor, Kristen has released this much-anticipated collection of her favorite chocolate-based recipes -- both sweet and savory -- that is certain to make you look at this amazing ingredient in an entirely new way and open a whole new dimension in your enjoyment of delicious food. 59 Raw Vegan Recipes: - 30 Chocolate Desserts - 11 Chocolate Beverages - 11 Chocolate Snacks, Soup, Salad Dressing, Crackers & Breakfast - A "Raw Basics" appendix (with 7 "must have" basic recipes) for people who are new to Raw food. - Raw Resources Section NOTE: This book is black and white, so does not contain photographs of recipes. It provides links to color photographs at Kristen Suzanne's Web site, More read less...