LINPAR for Windows: Version 2.0: Matrix Parameters for Multiconductor Transmission Lines (Microwave Software Library) Disk + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

LINPAR for Windows: Version 2.0: Matrix Parameters for Multiconductor Transmission Lines (Microwave Software Library) Disk

This version of LINPAR for Windows is now compatible with Windows 95 and later. The software runs at four times the speed of the previous version, allowing the user to analyze arbitrary planar transmission lines in multilayered dielectrics, including microstrip lines, coupled suspended lines, coupled striplines, and coplanar waveguides; and any user-defined structure, such as flat cables and multi-wire shielded cables. The software can be used for precise analysis and design of microwave circuits, such as directional couplers, baluns, and coupled-line filters, and of fast digital-signal interconnects, including printed circuit buses and computer cables. There is an accompanying user manual.Read More
from£349.65 | RRP: £295.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
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