Leadership Matters 3.0: How Leaders At All Levels Can Create Great Schools Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Leadership Matters 3.0: How Leaders At All Levels Can Create Great Schools Book

FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED! This book is just one element of a suite of resources designed to help improve the educational outcomes for all children by empowering educational leaders in national, regional and local contexts to examine, refine and develop their leadership skills.In this revised and updated edition, the author takes an in-depth and diagnostic approach, encouraging leaders at all levels in schools to think about their own personal qualities; their specific situation; their own leadership actions; and their own overall leadership approach.Developed alongside the book, the Leadership Matters website gives school leaders affordable access to high quality online diagnostic tools, videos and other leadership resources. Everything on the website, including the 40 exclusive videos, is designed around the same 40 topics from the book (known as the LM40), making it really easy for busy school leaders to find what they need.Read More

from£13.30 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.10
  • 1911382888
  • 9781911382881
  • Andy Buck
  • 8 August 2018
  • John Catt Educational Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 284
  • Book
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