Lean for Dummies Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Lean for Dummies Book

Explores the general overview of Lean, how flow and the value stream works, and the ways to apply Lean to an enterprise. This guide teaches readers: the foundation and language of Lean; how to map the value stream and use it to your business' advantage; the philosophy of Kaizen; and how to go Lean within your business and across the industry.Read More

from£20.23 | RRP: £14.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.56
  • ASDA

    Have you thought about using Lean in your business or organization but are not really sure how to implement it? Or perhaps you're already using Lean but you need to get up to speed. Lean for Dummies will show you how to do more with less and create an enterprise that embraces change.

  • Blackwell

    Create a culture that embraces change The fun and easy way to do more with less Competitive pressures force everyone to satisfy more demanding customers while using less of everything -- time, energy, space, materials, and money. This no...

  • Pickabook

    Natalie J. Sayer, Bruce Williams

  • 0470099313
  • 9780470099315
  • Natalie J. Sayer, Bruce Williams
  • 2 March 2007
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 384
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