Learn Excel 2007 Expert skills With The Smart Method: Courseware Tutorial teaching Advanced Techniques Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Learn Excel 2007 Expert skills With The Smart Method: Courseware Tutorial teaching Advanced Techniques Book

Learn Excel 2007 Expert Skills with the Smart Method : Paperback : The Smart Method Ltd : 9780955459931 : 0955459931 : 10 Nov 2009 : This book is for users who are not absolute Excel beginners, but want to enhance their basic skills to true expert level by mastering all of the advanced features provided by the worlds most powerful business tool. If you are an absolute beginner you should first complete our Essential Skills book. The course is carefully structured into sessions and lessons making it ideal for both self-instruction and for schools, colleges, universities and IT training companies to use as courseware. The course was originally developed for classroom instruction by The Smart Method who have trained a vast number of business people, from all ability levels and backgrounds, to become advanced Excel users. Years of experience from classroom courses was used to perfect the teaching methods, and presentational techniques, used in the course. As a result, you will master Excels most advanced features in a fraction of the time needed when learning from conventional text books.Read More

from£11.99 | RRP: £19.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.30
  • Blackwell

    This unique book allows users who are comfortable with Excel's basic features to become true Excel experts. The course is structured into objective-driven sessions and lessons making it ideal for both self learners and instructors who wish to run...

  • 0955459931
  • 9780955459931
  • Mike Smart
  • 27 November 2009
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 358
  • 1
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