Learning Legal Rules: A Student's Guide to Legal Method and Reasoning (5th Edition) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Learning Legal Rules: A Student's Guide to Legal Method and Reasoning (5th Edition) Book

The only title aimed directly at introducing students to the law that deals with legal skills and methods in a comprehensive way, Holland and Webb's Learning Legal Rules provides a clear and accessible treatment of research skills, precedent and statutory interpretation. This new edition has been extensively rewritten and reorganized to fit the needs of today's law students, and contains added guidance on interpreting statutes; an extended introductory chapter; more diagrams; and a new clear layout and text design. It is accompanied by a new Companion Website containing sample chapters; key questions and guidance; daigrams; and useful legal links.Read More

from£26.98 | RRP: £19.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.07
  • 0199254826
  • 9780199254828
  • James A. Holland, Julian Webb
  • 21 August 2003
  • Oxford University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 378
  • 5th Revised edition
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