Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Book

his book provides wide-ranging coverage of the most important ethical and moral issues that face healthcare professionals, lawyers and the general public alike.Read More

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  • Book Description

    Introducing the reader to important topics which include genetics, consent, negligence, research, assisted reproduction and mental health, the book outlines what the current law is, why it is so and what it may become in the future. This book provides wide-ranging coverage of the most important ethical and moral issues that face healthcare professionals, lawyers and the general public alike

  • Product Description

    There can be few aspects of life which have altered so dramatically in the past few decades as the relationship between medicine and the law. Treatments become more and more sophisticated as each advance in medicine is made. At the same time, the legal and moral issues surrounding such treatments have multiplied and have become increasingly sensitive and complex. Introducing the reader to important topics which include genetics, consent, negligence, research, assisted reproduction and mental health, the book outlines what the current law is, why it is so and what it may become in the future. This book provides wide-ranging coverage of the most important ethical and moral issues that face healthcare professionals, lawyers and the general public alike and it offers a unique insight into the problems that healthcare providers and patients can be expected to encounter both today and in the future.

  • 0521734509
  • 9780521734509
  • S.A.M. McLean, J.K. Mason
  • 12 March 2009
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 268
  • 1
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