Lesney's Matchbox Toys: The Superfast Years 1969-82 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Lesney's Matchbox Toys: The Superfast Years 1969-82 Book

The most popular die cast toys in the world, Matchbox metal vehicles took on a new look in 1969 with the introduction of the Superfast line, and this new book documents them all. The diversity of these tiny toys is truly amazing. Written as a sequel to this other popular volume, Lesney's Matchbox Toys, Regular Wheel Years, 1947-1969 (Schiffer, 1992), author Charlie Mack has compiled clear color illustrations of the toys and accurate text to identify all of the many variations in details which make each toy so recognizable and collectible today. This new edition features an updated Price Guide that is helpful to collectors who search for those elusive and rare models at today's swap meets, toy and antiques shows, or flea markets.Read More

from£22.88 | RRP: £16.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.98
  • 0887404634
  • 9780887404634
  • Charlie Mack
  • 1 May 1993
  • Schiffer Publishing Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 128
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