Let's Eat!/A Comer! (My Family: Mi Familia) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Let's Eat!/A Comer! (My Family: Mi Familia) Book

It's dinnertime. Look at all the food! Es la hora de cenar. ¡Cuánta comida! There are beans, tortillas, Hay frijoles, tortillas, cheese, and even a green salad. queso y hasta una ensalada de lechuga. Enough for the whole family. Suficiente para toda la familia. Let's sit down and enjoy it together. Vamos a sentarnos y disfrutarla juntos. Let's eat! ¡A comer! This first book in the new bilingual My Family/Mi familia series will charm readers with its close-knit family—a family that is grateful for its many blessings. Éste es el primer libro de la nueva serie My Family/ Mi familia. Los lectores quedarán encantados con esta familia unida que se siente agradecida por todas sus bendiciones. Read More

from£10.99 | RRP: £9.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.35
  • 0060850388
  • 9780060850388
  • Pat Mora
  • 1 March 2008
  • Rayo
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 24
  • Bilingual
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