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Letter to Earth: Who We are Becoming - What We Need to Know Book
Using a question and answer format, Elia Wise has assembled a collection of 22 essays that read like letters from God. Each essay responds to a question, such as "Who runs the switchboard? Is there a God?" Wise then writes an answer, such as, "There is no grand puppeteer moving you around by invisible strings. The creative Source endows all energy with the self-governing power of integral intelligence. Every value in the Universe, and therefore every Being in the Universe, is interactive and interdependent in one integrated circuit".If this seems like woo-woo gobbledy-gook, then read no further. But if there is a spark that ignites your attention, be prepared for a book that explores intuition, quantum physics, the energy of Chi, and "essential values" all in one sweeping breath. Like a Carlos Castaneda or Stephen Hawking book, Letter to Earth needs to be digested slowly. It also requires that scepticism be checked at the door. This is a writer who eloquently preaches to the New Age choir, addressing questions such as, who's dreaming when you are asleep, and where are you when you are dreaming? What is deja vu? "If you are seeking answers, you need to ask questions and be available to receive a response--wherever it may come from", writes Wise. "It could come from the grocer, the radio, the garden or the Cosmos." And for many it could come from this unique teacher. --Gail HudsonRead More
from£9.29 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.77
- 0717131114
- 9780717131112
- Ella Wise
- 23 November 2000
- Gateway
- Paperback (Book)
- 254
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