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Liber Amoris [EasyRead Edition] Book
ReadHowYouWant publishes a wide variety of best selling books in Large and Super Large fonts in partnership with leading publishers. EasyRead books are available in 11pt and 13pt. type. EasyRead Large books are available in 16pt, 16pt Bold, and 18pt Bold type. EasyRead Super Large books are available in 20pt. Bold and 24pt. Bold Type. You choose the format that is right for you.It is a narration with autobiographical touches. There is a thoughtful and charming account of the experiences and observations of the author. The love-story encompasses all his pains, sorrows and desires. A heart-felt book, it offers a deep analysis of human feelings.To find more titles in your format, Search in Books using EasyRead and the size of the font that makes reading easier and more enjoyable for you.Read More
from£6.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 1425005624
- 9781425005627
- William Hazlitt
- 1 October 2006
- Assistedreadingbooks.com Inc
- Paperback (Book)
- 124
- Large Print
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