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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics) Book
With great energy and clarity, Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1829-1894), author of History of the Criminal Law of England, and judge of the High Court from 1879-91, challenges John Stuart Mill's On Liberty and On Utilitarianism, arguing that Mill's view of humanity is sentimental and utopian. "His writing is strong meat--full of the threat of hellfrire, the virtue of government by the lash and a fervent belief that the state cannot remain neutral but has a duty to espouse a moral code."--Roderick Munday, Cambridge Law JournalRead More
from£24.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £26.84
- 0226772586
- 9780226772585
- Stephen
- 1 January 1992
- Chicago University Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 312
- Reprinted edition
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