Liquid Gold: Info Trail Independent Access: Water on Tap (LITERACY LAND) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Liquid Gold: Info Trail Independent Access: Water on Tap (LITERACY LAND) Book

Info Trail for ages 5-11: *Enthuses all readers with attention-grabbing titles, engaging humour and inventive topics to inspire excellence and enjoyment in learning.*Provides broad and rich cross-curricular content linked to History, Geography and Science with many matches to National Curriculum and QCA topics.*Provides excellent models for writing with coverage of all NLS non-fiction text types pupils need to experience and understand.*Especially motivates and supports reluctant readers through supportive illustrations and Access texts for ages 9-11.*Promotes valuable awareness of community and citizenship through many titles based around community, environment and health. *Simple integration of assessment for learning into class teaching is provided in the Teaching Notes which ensure children's reading and writing skills progress at word, sentence and text level. *Accessible Teaching Notes and Activity sheets ensure teachers, teaching assistants and parents are all able to contribute to teaching and learning.Read More

from£6.41 | RRP: £4.75
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.89
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