Literature-Based Activities for Integrating Mathematics with Other Content Areas 3-5 (Literature-Based Activities Integrating Mathematics with Oth) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Literature-Based Activities for Integrating Mathematics with Other Content Areas 3-5 (Literature-Based Activities Integrating Mathematics with Oth) Book

This book provides easy-to-implement, literature-based activities that connect standards-based grades 3-5 mathematics lessons with concepts derived from science, social studies, and the arts standards. Presents a matrix of activities listing the literature used for each activity and the Mathematics concepts covered as well as concepts covered for the other content areas. Includes overviews of the children’s literature accompany each activity. Integrates National Content Standards (NCTM, NSES, NCSS, NAEA) within each activity that support standards-based instruction. Guides teachers to implement each activity and assess students’ learning successfully with step-by-step descriptions . Features reproducible worksheets for activities that require recording or written response, saving teachers time when incorporating an activity into lessons. Contains assessment tools and rubrics in the Appendix.Read More

from£22.99 | RRP: £16.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £21.87
  • 020551409X
  • 9780205514090
  • Robin A. Ward
  • 16 January 2008
  • Allyn & Bacon
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 240
  • 1
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