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Living with Life-Threatening Illness: A Guide for Patients, Their Families and Caregivers Book
A hands-on guide for patients, families, and caregivers on how to live an affirming existence while facing the physical and spiritual traumas of life-threatening illness. Every page of this book reveals the author's keen awareness of the challenges faced by patients, families, and caregivers dealing with life threatening illnesses. In page after page readers will discover clear, practical, and wise suggestions that are well grounded in personal experience. Don't we all know somebody who needs this book now?--Robert Kastenbaum, Ph.D., Editor, Omega Journal of Death and DyingRead More
from£33.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £41.58
- 0787940488
- 9780787940485
- Kenneth J. Doka
- 16 January 1998
- Jossey Bass
- Paperback (Book)
- 352
- New edition
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