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London 2001 Book
Following on from Peter Hall's earlier "London 2001", a work of the 1960s, this new book attempts to do for London of the late 1980s what its predecessor did for London of the early '60s. In this book Hall presents a survey of the major planning problems of this, the most prosperous area of Britain, concluding with an imaginative vision of what the region, with proper strategic guidance, could become by 2001. Hall argues that regional planning will rise again; that the problems of the '60s have never gone away; and every day they loom larger. The book should interest geographers, planners and policy-makers; and all concerned with London's future.Read More
from£14.83 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.98
- 0044455569
- 9780044455561
- Peter Hall
- 12 October 1989
- Routledge
- Paperback (Book)
- 240
- New edition
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