Love, Life, Goethe: How to be Happy in an Imperfect World Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Love, Life, Goethe: How to be Happy in an Imperfect World Book

Provides a look at the life of the renowned writer Goethe to show the surprising ways in which we can learn from him, whether in love, suffering, friendship or family. This book shows how relevant Goethe is to the way we live, and how he wanted to live life well. It also explores the main themes of our existence through Goethe.Read More

from£13.89 | RRP: £12.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.25
  • Penguin

    Is it possible to be truly happy? In an imperfect world, how can we live well with what we have, and accept what we don't have? In Love, Life, Goethe, John Armstrong looks at the life of the renowned yet often misunderstood writer Goethe to show the surprising ways in which we can learn from him, whether in love, suffering, friendship or family.

  • 0141011289
  • 9780141011288
  • John Armstrong
  • 26 April 2007
  • Penguin
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 512
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