LOVER BOY IS DYING TO COME OUT AND PLAY.The rules: Two weeks before he intends to slowly and sadistically kill his prey, Loverboy sends a collage of the future crime scene to the FBI. If the agents can solve the riddles of the collage in time, they can save the victim. Loverboy thinks thatâ??s more than fair. Itâ??s not his fault the feds have already failed five times.The players: Rosalind Carnow was last seen alone in her Las Vegas hotel room. No one knows where she is nowâ??except Loverboy, and heâ??s not saying a word. Imogen Page, an FBI agent with a painful past and uncertain future, may be the only person who can find herâ??and she is determined to decipher Loverboyâ??s brilliant but deranged puzzle. If Loveboy lets her get that far.The game: Imogen matches wits with a homicidal
… read more...mastermind, a fiercely intelligent opponent. Armed with her extraordinarily keen sense for detection, she must do for Rosalind what could not be done for Loverboyâ??s previous victims: save her life.Read More read less...