This classic textbook now enters its forth edition - a distillation of decades of research and teaching experience in toxicology. Known all over the world after its translation into six languages,Lu's Basic Toxicology is a benchmark text - bringing clarity and insight into a rapidly evolving subject. Noted for its concise yet broad coverage of the subject, this new edition includes new chapters on over-the counter preparations, lactation and occupational toxicology. In addition, it covers: DT The action of chemicals that cause cancer, mutations, congenital malformations and organ or system specific effects; DT Why chemical target specific organs and systems and how these effects are revealed by laboratory tests DT The host and environmental factors that modify these effects DT The
… read more...effects of food additives, pesticides, metals, pollutants in air, water and soil, as well as toxicants encountered in workplaces DT The procedures commonly used in assessing risk associated with these chemicals The breadth of this book makes it ideal for students requiring an introduction to toxicology, whether those specializing in toxicology or those from other biomedical disciplines who need a clear and concise overview of the field. The inclusion of separate subject and chemical indexes also makes it a useful shelf reference for more experienced researchers.Read More read less...