MILF: Motherhood, Identity, Love and F*ckery Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

MILF: Motherhood, Identity, Love and F*ckery Book

Can women have it all? What does it mean to be a woman and a mother inthe modern age? In this passionate, funny and fierce polemic, Paloma Faith delves deep into theissues that face women today, from puberty and sexual awakenings, to battlingthrough the expectations of patriarchy and the Supermum myth. Infused with Paloma's characteristic humour and raw honesty about thechallenges of IVF and the early years of motherhood, this book is a beautifulcelebration of women's work and the invisible load women carry. Moving fromquestions around identity and how motherhood impacts on that, to what it evenmeans to be a "good mother", how we need to embrace messiness,imperfection and the bitter sweet pleasures of being "selfish" and puttingourselves first. Paloma invites us into her own coming of age and relationship with her mum, toexplore how our bonds with our children evolve into adulthood. We see aglimpse of the complexities and joys of Paloma's experience of jugglingromantic love, heartbreak and dating with the demands of motherhood.Read More

from£9.50 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.20
  • 1529937647
  • 9781529937640
  • Faith, Paloma
  • 6 June 2024
  • Ebury Spotlight
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 304
  • Book
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