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Macroeconomics Book
This text comes packaged with an access kit for the new easy-to-use format of MyEconLab, which requires no set-up by the professor. With this, students can access practice problems for each chapter in the book, graphing questions, learning resources, and live tutoring. Professors who plan to use advanced course management online should order the book with MyEconLab in CourseCompass. View ‘Alternate Versions’ of this book on the web catalog page, or contact your local representative for details. Macroeconomics offers a novel approach to the principles of economics course based on three pedagogical principles: Ongoing assessment is an essential component of the learning process; Students understand concepts better when they are presented in the context of engaging stories; Students remember more when they connect concepts to what they see or read in the news and what they experience in their every day life. Quality assessment permeates every component of Macroeconomics, the first textbook to offer a class-tested test bank. MyEconLab’s innovative online homework and tutorial system, with its innovative computer-grade graphing exercises, is tightly linked to the text.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0321454936
- 9780321454935
- Michael A. Leeds, Peter Von Allmen, Richard C. Schiming
- 12 July 2006
- Prentice Hall
- Paperback (Book)
- 1
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