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"Macworld" OS 9 Bible Book

Ever stylish and seamlessly integrated with the Internet, the Macintosh may be enjoying the best days of its long career. Macs are powerful computers, capable of serious work, but they distinguish themselves through their intelligent way of interacting with users and their enthusiastic community of fans. MacWorld Mac OS 9 Bible unlocks the technical aspects of the Mac OS and the computers that run it, enabling you to begin realising your personal--and business-computing ambitions right away. By doing that, it enables you to become part of the Mac community and start enjoying the little computer that Apple founder Steve Jobs called "insanely great". The authors of this book use a rather text-heavy approach to their topic, which means they can communicate a lot of information about why things are as they are, in addition to the usual (and competently presented) how-to material. This style, with relatively few illustrations and procedures in paragraph (rather than numbered-list) form, will appeal to people who are willing to do more than glance at a page for a quick answer. Whether you're learning how to manage files, connecting to the Internet, or automating tasks with scripting, you'll appreciate the authors' detailed approach. More information about some subjects--especially networking with Windows and Linux machines--would make this book better, but MacWorld Mac OS 9 Bible is a great resource already. --David WallRead More

from£49.93 | RRP: £36.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £24.41
  • 0764534149
  • 9780764534140
  • Lon Poole, Todd Stauffer
  • 5 January 2000
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 900
  • illustrated edition
  • Illustrated
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