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Managerial Accounting Book
The Bamber System of instruction replicates the classroom experience by providing more “I get it” moments outside of class. For Introductory, Undergraduate Managerial accounting course We’ve talked to tons of Managerial Accounting instructors and our editors have even taken the Managerial accounting course (numerous times!) to figure out the following issue in this course that is consistent: Students understand (or “Get It”) right after you do a problem in class, but as soon as they leave class, with each passing hour, their ability to do the problems again and complete their homework diminishes to the point of them either having to come to office hours to get help, or they just quit and get behind in the course. On top of this, you can end up getting behind in the course, as well, in order to keep everyone on track. The Bamber system helps to recreate the “I Get It” moments outside of class keeping you and the students on track. Read More
from£54.43 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.87
- 0132284634
- 9780132284639
- Linda S. Bamber, Karen M Braun, Walter T. Harrison Jr.
- 15 December 2006
- Prentice Hall
- Hardcover (Book)
- 700
- 1
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