Managing Acquisitions: Creating Value Through Corporate Renewal Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Managing Acquisitions: Creating Value Through Corporate Renewal Book

* How can acquisitions help improve a firm's competitive position and lead to value creation? * Why do many acquisitions fail to live up to expectations? * Why do many managers think that integration means "make the other firms like us," rather than build on the complementary elements that were the original justification for the acquisition? * How can a management team improve its success with acquisitions? * How and what can firms learn from their acquisition experience? These persistent questions are addressed in this important book by Philippe Haspeslagh and David Jemison. Though much has been written about hostile takeovers, megamergers, and corporate restructuring, little attention has been paid to strategic acquisitions that firms throughout the world are using to accelerate the renewal of their business. After eight years of research in 20 companies in the United States, Europe, and Japan, Haspeslagh and Jemison offer a welcome antidote to an overly financial view of acquisitions. Real value, they show, is created only after the agreement is signed -- through managerial actions, not financial engineering. Against their innovative theory of how acquisitions create value, the authors examine the reality of acquisition decision making in most firms. Ironically, they point out, less effective acquisition decision making does not stem from a lack of analysis, but from problems in the acquisition process itself. The importance of their message manage the acquisition process -- becomes more vivid when Haspeslagh and Jemison address integration, identifying common problems and challenges. In addition, they offer a powerful framework for managers to think through their integration approach. For each phase in the acquisition process, Haspeslagh and Jemison provide rich descriptions and pragmatic advice based on some of the world's most experienced strategic acquirers. The unique scope of this book bridges theory and practice to provide the most comprehensive study of acquisitions to date. Managing Acquisitions spans the process from acquisition decision making through integration, combining sound theoretical insight with practical advice. Moreover, it goes beyond acquisitions to address strategic vision and the commitment necessary to make firms capable of learning and change.Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £27.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 0029141656
  • 9780029141656
  • Philippe C. Haspeslagh, David B. Jemison
  • 1 April 1991
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 418
  • illustrated edition
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