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Managing Health Promotion: Developing Healthy Organizations and Communities Book
The recent and ongoing changes within the NHS will continue to have a major impact on health promotion, both on how it is managed and organized and on its place in the public agenda. Managers and professionals within the NHS and beyond are now having to grapple with the development and implementation of major new health strategies, including expanding their field of health promotion work and developing health partnerships and joint ventures with other agencies. This is a concise, practical and timely guide to the improved management of health promotion. It includes information on systems for quality improvement and audit of health promotion. It describes a developmental approach to intervention based on the values and processes of individual autonomy, democracy, mutual empowerment and community participation. Emphasis is placed both on how to create organizations and conditions which enhance health and quality of life, and on how to empower individuals and forge relationships through which everyone makes health gains. Recent research and evaluation is discussed in a practical way including how best to help people change their lifestyles and how to extend our outreach so that hard-to-reach groups become active participants. Managing Health Promotion is an invaluable source of information and guidance for all those working within organizations who are responsible for managing health promotion work or allocating resources for health development. `
an indispensable guide to those involved in health service delivery, not just in the United Kingdom, but in other countries as well. Professor Cecily Kelleher, Centre for Health Promotion Studies, University College Galway, IrelandRead More
from£63.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.80
- 047195814X
- 9780471958147
- Ina Simnett
- 19 September 1995
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Paperback (Book)
- 248
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