Manual of Critical Care Nursing: Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Manual of Critical Care Nursing: Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management Book

This essential resource provides quick access to the latest information for more than 75 clinical phenomena seen in critical care and is ideal for use in the clinical setting to plan nursing care. Each disorder includes a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions specific to those diagnoses, and patient teaching and rehabilitation. Its convenient outline format and portable size make it the perfect clinical companion.Features a consistent, easy-to-use outline formatPortable size makes it a very practical clinical referenceCovers more than 75 critical care conditions/disordersIncludes the latest NANDA nursing diagnosesIncludes new sections that cover obstetric emergencies, hypothyroidism, bioterrorism, and emerging infections, including CNS infections, such as the SARS, West Nile Virus, and the Avian FluContains a new appendix on pharmacologyFeatures the most recent Nursing Intervention Classifications (NICs)Read More

from£45.58 | RRP: £36.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.95
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