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Market-oriented Pricing: Strategies for Management Book
This volume offers a comprehensive guide to market-based pricing strategies. The authors present pricing as a relatively simple but extremely powerful marketing tool--a creative variable that managers can manipulate to accomplish a wide variety of ends. Arguing that companies must move away from the traditional, short-term, reactive methods relied upon to set and manage prices, the authors call for a systematic, strategic and market-based approach to the pricing problem. Their central unifying theme is that pricing begins and ends with the customer and that every pricing action should be part of a larger pricing program built around the realities of customer needs and competitor pressures.Read More
from£20.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.06
- 0844234605
- 9780844234601
- Michael H. Morris, Gene Morris
- 1 January 2001
- McGraw-Hill Contemporary
- Paperback (Book)
- 224
- New edition
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